Blogs from the Field
A healthy future for wildlife, people, and planet.

November 11, 2020
Martin Gilbert
As I write this in summer 2020, it is almost six months since the first reports that a mysterious new pathogen was emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Given the pandemic that ensued, few of us remain unaware of the omnipotent reach of wildlife-origin microbes to disrupt our health, our economies and our liberty....

February 18, 2019
Martin Gilbert
The fate of our wildlife lies at the hands of our policy makers – an obvious statement perhaps, but sometimes these forces work in unexpected ways....

March 03, 2018
Martin Gilbert
Given their near supernatural reputation, it can be hard to distinguish the truth of the tiger from its mythology....

January 31, 2018
Martin Gilbert
The Far Eastern or Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), already among rarest of the world’s big cats, has now been found to face another threat: infection with canine distemper virus (CDV)....