
For Your Information
March 25, 2025
Cornell researchers recently published a study providing the first genetic evidence of canine coronavirus infection in a felid. These findings suggest that felids may play a central role in the emergence of recombinant alphacoronavirus.

March 24, 2025
Drs. Craig Stephen and Marcela Uhart will headline the inaugural Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health Distinguished Speaker event on March 28 at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine. They will discuss critical One Health and conservation challenges, highlighting the connections between human, animal, and ecosystem health.

March 19, 2025
The work of Cornell Public Health’s Dr. Ana Bento bridges ecology, climate, and public health, using mathematical models to understand the complex factors driving the spread of infectious diseases.

March 17, 2025
Cornell researcher Raina Plowright and her team found that when bats shift to low-protein diets due to habitat loss, they shed more viruses, increasing the risk of spillover to humans and animals.

February 26, 2025
New research reveals that the stopover patterns of mallard ducks—natural carriers of avian influenza—could help predict the risk of bird flu transmission to backyard poultry.

February 21, 2025
At Cornell University’s Wildlife Health Lab, scientists work with New York State to test and identify cases of bird flu among animals in Central New York. Interviewed as an expert in the field, Dr. Jennifer Bloodgood speaks on the latest findings.

February 21, 2025
News and guidance on avian influenza is scattered across government and state agency websites, and rampant misinformation is spread across the internet. In response, Cornell has launched a comprehensive resource that offers a one-stop clearinghouse for the most current and trustworthy information on bird flu.

February 19, 2025
As the most recent awardee of a Cornell K. Lisa Yang Postdoctoral Fellowship in Wildlife Health, Kristina Ceres ‘15, PhD ‘22, DVM ‘24, aims to study disease dynamics in dholes and other endangered carnivores.

February 18, 2025
Most pandemics in the past century were sparked by a pathogen jumping from animals to humans. This moment of zoonotic spillover is the focus of a multidisciplinary team of researchers led by Cornell’s Raina Plowright.

February 17, 2025
As the Northeast regional fish and wildlife health coordinator, my day-to-day work varies greatly! I work with 13 state fish and wildlife agencies in the Northeast, and each agency may have different needs. I typically start my day with coffee...