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Bald Eagle perched in a tree by Christine Bogdanowicz.

Recent reports of dozens of dead snow geese have been linked to an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza, otherwise known as bird flu, in New York's Seneca County and neighboring counties. Cornell's Dr. Krysten Schuler provides some advice to reduce people's exposure to the virus.
Dr. Sue Bartlett holding a box turtle


Cornell alumna Susie Bartlett, DVM '03, takes us through her conservation journey, from being inspired by her father's work at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to becoming a senior veterinarian at the Wildlife Conservation Society.
Talk title overlayed over penguins


In this eCornell keynote, Drs. Amandine Gamble and Marie Bouilloud share their recent fieldwork experiences in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions to help illustrate how wildlife health is connected to human activity, even thousands of miles away.
Canada Goose portrait by Christine Bogdanowicz.

Five species of commonly hunted waterfowl in the northeast Atlantic Flyway were found to harbor contaminants that could impact the health of the birds, as well as the hunters and others who consume them.
Fishermen cast their nets in the Amazon River

Smaller fish species are more nutritious, lower in mercury and less susceptible to overfishing, a Cornell-led research team has found.
Julian Rivera examining a turtle at the Staten Island Zoo


Cornell alumnus Julian Rivera, DVM ’18, has found his niche as the Clinical Veterinarian at the Staten Island Zoo. His path from veterinary school to zoo medicine illustrates both the opportunities and challenges faced by aspiring wildlife veterinarians.
Dr. Steve Osofsky, director of the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health, in northern Botswana. Photo provided by Dr. Osofsky


Dr. Steve Osofsky, director of the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health, reflects on a transformative year, and looks forward to leading the way in shaping how the center can help tilt the scales back toward the type of environmental stewardship we ourselves need to survive as a species.
Birthing Planetary Health talk by Steve Osofsky


Professor Steve Osofsky was invited to give the keynote address, “Birthing Planetary Health: A Midwife’s Tale,” at the Sustainable Cornell Summit 2024.
An Asiatic Wild Dog or Dhole by Angel Muela.

A meeting of wildlife conservationists to develop a National Species Action Plan for Dholes in Nepal was held from August 9-11, 2024. Also known as Asiatic wild dogs, dholes are a globally endangered species of wild canid that has been lost from more than 75% of its former range due to habitat destruction, loss of prey, persecution, and disease.
Anna Schultz, D.V.M. Class of 2026, collects a blood sample from an African penguin for routine weekly blood testing Photo: Dr. David Roberts


There’s one thing about working in wildlife rehabilitation medicine that you don’t realize until you are actually doing it — you want your patients to hate you.