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Dr. Melissa Hanson drawing blood on a red-tailed hawk at the Cornell Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospita

Dr. Melissa Hanson, first-year resident in Zoological Medicine at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, received a research award from the College to study refeeding syndrome in wild red-tailed hawks at Cornell’s Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital. 
Cornell Red-tailed Hawk in flight by Christine Bogdanowicz 2020

The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine has released its 2020 Annual Report, detailing its progress in its key strategic priority areas, including "Advances in Animal, Human and Ecosystem Health."
Puma sitting near forest

The slowdown in human activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly travel, has created a unique opportunity for scientists to better understand human-wildlife interactions.
One-eyed pelican on hospital table being treated

This juvenile American white pelican — which had only one working eye and was suffering from weakness and parasites — was brought to the Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital, making history as the first of its species to be treated there.
Animal receiving care in hospital

For Your Information

The November/December 2019 issue of the Cornell Alumni Magazine features the heroic work of the Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital.  
A baby turtle is examined before releasing into the wild

Between May and July of this year, the Swanson Wildlife Hospital rescued approximately 150 eggs from pregnant snapping and painted turtles that were hit by cars and too injured to survive and lay eggs on their own. Most of the successfully hatched turtles were released in September, and some will be cared for through the winter by Cornell veterinary students and volunteers.
A collage of snapping turtle images


The Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine rescued approximately 150 eggs from pregnant turtles that were hit by cars and too injured to survive and lay eggs on their own. Watch this video on how our experts rescued and subsequently released the hatchling turtles into their natural habitat.
A Black Bear cub shown on the operating table at Cornell


Watch this video of Swanson Wildlife Hospital veterinarians treating a black bear cub after she was hit by a car in the Adirondack Park. After spending time with a wildlife rehabilitator in Oswego County, the bear will be returned to the wild.
An injured Black bear cub shown with a cast on it's foreleg and being treated at Cornell

After being hit by a car in the Adirondack Park, a female black bear cub was brought to the Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital where it received care to repair its broken left foreleg.
Christina Parsnick in lab

Cornell sets the bar for training vet techs in wildlife medicine. The Veterinary Technician Student Preceptorship in Wildlife Medicine is the first of its kind in the northeast U.S., and gives veterinary technicians-in-training concentrated wildlife-focused experience.