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Two Amur Tigers resting in the snow; photo provided by Wildlife Conservation Society

We vaccinate our dogs against the canine distemper virus, but it also affects wildlife, including the rare Amur tiger. Our own Dr. Martin Gilbert’s pioneering work shows how vaccinating Amur tigers against canine distemper virus could reduce their risk of extinction.
Siberian Tiger standing in snow

New research published by Cornell Wildlife Health Center's Martin Gilbert in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that vaccination of endangered Amur (Siberian) tigers is the only practical strategy to protect these big cats from a dangerous disease in their natural habitat in the Russian Far East.
Amir Sadaula collecting blood from an immobilized rhino.

As I write this in summer 2020, it is almost six months since the first reports that a mysterious new pathogen was emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Given the pandemic that ensued, few of us remain unaware of the omnipotent reach of wildlife-origin microbes to disrupt our health, our economies and our liberty....
Flock of sheep with farmer in Asia

For Your Information

Growing evidence suggests that multiple wildlife species can be infected with peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV), with important consequences for the potential maintenance of PPRV in communities of susceptible hosts, and the threat that PPRV may pose to the conservation of wildlife populations and resilience of ecosystems.
Vet student with rhino

At a critical time for the future of life on Earth, The College of Veterinary Medicine announces the establishment of the Cornell Wildlife Health Center. The new center focuses on catalyzing multidisciplinary collaboration to address wildlife health challenges worldwide, while immersing students in unique learning experiences at home and abroad.
Far Eastern Leopard sitting on ground

For Your Information

Translocation of wildlife as a means of reintroducing or reinforcing threatened populations is an important conservation tool but carries health risks for the translocated animals and their progeny, as well as wildlife, domestic animals and humans in the release area.
Leopard in forest


Congratulations to Shashank Poudel on receiving the Pat J. Miller Scholarship from the Wildlife Conservation Network! As a Cornell PhD student, Shashank aims to implement community-based interventions to reduce human-leopard conflict in Nepal.
Close-up portrait of a leopard


Cornell Wildlife Health Center team members recently received two Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future grants. Dr. Martin Gilbert and colleagues and will be exploring the effects of human-leopard interaction on food security and public health in Nepal, and Dr. Krysten Schuler and team will test an awareness campaign that promotes non-lead ammunition to reduce the threat of lead toxicity to people and ecosystems.
Martin Gilbert and Joan Speigel

When Joan Spiegel, a Cornell parent, saw the image of the big, white cat, funding fieldwork aimed at conserving snow leopards suddenly seemed a compelling and appropriate thing to do. She learned about the Cornell Wildlife Health Center and the work of Dr. Martin Gilbert through Cornell’s Ezra magazine.
image of young dog

Cornell scientists discovered that a young dog imported from South Korea into Canada brought along a dangerous hitchhiker: the Asia-1 strain of canine distemper virus, which had never before been reported in North America. If the virus comes into contact with wildlife, it may take a serious toll on wild carnivore populations.