
February 24, 2017
Hundreds of students ranging from fourth-graders to high school seniors across New York State are engaging in a hands-on scientific project with Cornell University by collecting water samples and evaluating environmental DNA to monitor the spread of invasive fish species, providing a real-world lesson in ecology and environmental management.

February 22, 2017
Dr. Steve Osofsky discusses the challenges of responding to zoonotic disease in Africa.

January 30, 2017
A new study of shark DNA, including from great white and great hammerhead sharks, reveals unique modifications in their immunity genes that may underlie their rapid wound healing and possibly higher resistance to cancers.

January 23, 2017
College of Veterinary Medicine researchers and partners are evaluating the health of moose populations across the New York Adirondacks region. By screening animals for infectious diseases and developing health indicators for evaluation over time, we can assess factors key for ensuring the population's long-term viability.

For Your Information
December 27, 2016
Cornell veterinary students are benefiting from international experience that ties coursework in language, culture, and research to hands-on fieldwork. They are able to spend eight weeks in Indonesia, Uganda, or the Republic of Congo to experience first-hand how the health of wildlife, domestic animals and people - and the health of the environment - are all deeply interconnected.

December 13, 2016
Veterinary fencing, having killed hundreds of thousands of southern Africa's wild animals since the 1950's by disrupting their key migratory pathways, is no longer the only option for managing foot and mouth disease in the region.
June 25, 2016
Declining elephant populations could have significant impacts on forests, climate, agriculture, and health.
May 20, 2015
Baby crows need to be hand-fed at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital.
May 19, 2015
These baby beavers are being taken care of at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine's Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital after their mother was trapped and died. They are estimated to be 10-14 days old.

May 12, 2015
Dr. Steve Osofsky discusses the importance of wildlife and intact ecosystems for the health of people and planet.