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Cornell student teaching children about the role sea birds play in the ecosystem


Cornell veterinary student Alexander Levitskiy ’24 reflects on his experience working in Indonesia last summer as part of an international program that exposes students to wildlife conservation work.
Salmon net pens

Mostly stuck at home like the rest of you, I cannot get the constant talk about testing and tracing out of my head during this COVID-19 pandemic. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s voice is ever present, and I welcome his daily, even-tempered and pragmatic broadcasts about how to keep us safe. Given my line of work, I easily saw some analogies, and I said to my work-at-home spouse on one of our daily walks, “Fish farmers have to deal with epidemics, too.”
Bat hanging from tree

For Your Information

The mixing of multiple coronaviruses, and their apparent amplification along the wildlife supply chain into restaurants, suggests maximal risk for end consumers and likely underpins the mechanisms of zoonotic spillover to people.
Cottontail rabbit in a field with flower in its mouth

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 has been rapidly spreading across the western half of the United States, and Cornell's Dr. Krysten Schuler advises not handling wild rabbits at this time.
Hawai'ian Apapane bird with mosquito in eye

Vector-borne infectious diseases pose substantial threats to human health and the conservation of wildlife. Avian malaria in Hawai‘i provides an example of the devastation caused by the emergence and spread of such diseases within susceptible host populations.
Two women wearing face masks

For Your Information

The COVID-19 pandemic is only the latest instance of an infectious pathogen jumping from animals to people. How to prevent the next pandemic is a matter of vigorous debate, and this report examines some of the key issues around virological research and human activities that can enable disease emergence (such as deforestation and the wildlife trade), and considers how conservation of wilderness and associated biodiversity can make us safer.
Cracking One Health


In this Cracking One Health podcast interview, Dr. Steve Osofsky provides a personal perspective on his One Health work in southern Africa, and on his role in the origins of the One Health movement.
Close-up view of a Norway rat

The Cornell Wildlife Health Center's Dr. Martin Gilbert co-authored a paper with preliminary findings that suggest the mixing of multiple coronaviruses in the wildlife trade and their apparent amplification along the supply chain could increase risk for end consumers.
Zoom screenshot of reunion panel; clockwise from top left: Steven Osofsky, Gen Meredith, Alex Travis, David Lodge, Lorin Warnick and Katherine McComas.

This One Health panel discussion highlights Cornell’s unique mix of faculty expertise when it comes to problems impacting our health, the health of our fellow creatures, and that of the environment that supports us all.
Presentation image of wildlife, wildlife markets, and coronavirus


Solving the world’s most pressing health challenges, like the recent efforts to prevent coronavirus spread, requires an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach. While a long-standing platform of Cornell’s mission and vision, this One Health philosophy is now more popular than ever. Learn how Cornell is leading the way in linking human, animal, and ecosystem health.