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A Red Fox shown trotting in a field.

Cornell researchers have discovered coronaviruses in wild carnivores that had never been reported in these species before.
A domestic cat shown outside.

Cats occupy a distinct position in the ecological networks of companion animals, humans and peri-domestic species – wild and feral animals living near human habitations – according to a recent review article by a team of Cornell researchers.

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This study led by Cornell researchers provides an overview of important toxicants to which honey bees are exposed; behavioral, husbandry, and external environmental factors influencing exposure; impacts of toxicant exposure on individual bee and colony health; and the convergent impacts of stress, nutrition, infectious disease, and toxicant exposures on colony health.
Krysten Schuler, director of the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, looks on as pathologist Gavin Hitchener performs a necropsy on a bald eagle by Noël Heaney.

State agencies are stepping up education and outreach to promote voluntary adoption of non-lead alternatives, acting on recommendations from their Lead Ammunition Working Group, a multidisciplinary partnership that includes the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab.
Honey bee on milkweed by Christine Bogdanowicz.

Led by Cornell's Dr. Karyn Bischoff, an analysis of beeswax in managed honeybee hives in New York finds a wide variety of insecticide, herbicide and fungicide residues, exposing current and future generations of bees to long-term toxicity.
A whale calf’s entangled flipper and how tightly wrapped the line is.

For my last summer before clinical rotations, I wanted to gain experience with marine animals. I was accepted as an intern with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Marine Mammal Rescue & Research (MMRR) program in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a unique geographical area where tides and coastlines can suddenly trap a dolphin or whale in inches of water....
Red fox family standing in front of an old barn by Christine Bogdanowicz

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This new paper by Cornell researchers presents background and commentary focusing on companion and peri-domestic animals as disease risk for humans, taking into account the human-animal interface and population dynamics between the animals themselves.
A NY State beekeeper shown tending to his beehives.

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In this study led by Cornell's Dr. Karyn Bischoff, researchers found pesticide contamination of beeswax in New York State's beekeeping industry to be common, with commercial beekeepers experiencing the greatest contamination.
One Health ad showing a bear cub amongst flowers.


In this eCornell webinar, Dr. Steve Osofsky, Dr. Krysten Schuler, and Dr. Jennifer Bloodgood of the Cornell Wildlife Health Center at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine share their experiences from the field and the lab to illustrate how the health of wildlife and our own health are inextricably linked.
A Bald Eagle in flight by Richard Lee/Unsplash

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While the recent population recovery of bald eagles in New York State is a conservation success, evidence from necropsies suggest that ingested lead from ammunition fragments is causing morbidity and mortality to wild eagles.