In the News

For Your Information
April 20, 2017
Concern has been spreading across scientific disciplines that the pervasive human transformation of Earth's natural systems is an urgent threat to human health, and Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine is helping to forge a new field to meet unprecedented challenges.

February 22, 2017
Dr. Steve Osofsky discusses the challenges of responding to zoonotic disease in Africa.

December 13, 2016
Veterinary fencing, having killed hundreds of thousands of southern Africa's wild animals since the 1950's by disrupting their key migratory pathways, is no longer the only option for managing foot and mouth disease in the region.
June 25, 2016
Declining elephant populations could have significant impacts on forests, climate, agriculture, and health.

May 12, 2015
Dr. Steve Osofsky discusses the importance of wildlife and intact ecosystems for the health of people and planet.