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One Health ad showing a bear cub amongst flowers.


In this eCornell webinar, Dr. Steve Osofsky, Dr. Krysten Schuler, and Dr. Jennifer Bloodgood of the Cornell Wildlife Health Center at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine share their experiences from the field and the lab to illustrate how the health of wildlife and our own health are inextricably linked.
Amphibian close-up


The One Health concept recognizes that the health of people is connected to that of animals and the environment. Amphibians have been documented to help keep forests healthy while also serving as key indicators of water quality.
Hellbender Cryptobranchus


Hellbenders are giant aquatic salamanders that inhabit streams in the eastern U.S., and help serve as an indicator of clean, healthy water. Cornell Wildlife Health Center scientists collaborated with award-winning nature videographer David Brown to document the work we are doing to help their declining populations.
Bald Eagle in flight


The comeback of the American bald eagle is a success story across the nation, but now these magnificent birds are facing another threat. See what Cornell scientists are doing to help determine the sources and impacts of lead in New York bald eagles.