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October 2019

Amphibian close-up


The One Health concept recognizes that the health of people is connected to that of animals and the environment. Amphibians have been documented to help keep forests healthy while also serving as key indicators of water quality.
A herd of wildebeest shown coming towards the viewer

Cornell's Dr. Steve Osofsky details how methods of addressing livestock diseases can sometimes cause significant negative impacts on other sectors - especially wildlife - and calls for more thoughtful and holistic approaches.
A baby turtle is examined before releasing into the wild

Between May and July of this year, the Swanson Wildlife Hospital rescued approximately 150 eggs from pregnant snapping and painted turtles that were hit by cars and too injured to survive and lay eggs on their own. Most of the successfully hatched turtles were released in September, and some will be cared for through the winter by Cornell veterinary students and volunteers.
A collage of snapping turtle images


The Janet L. Swanson Wildlife Hospital at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine rescued approximately 150 eggs from pregnant turtles that were hit by cars and too injured to survive and lay eggs on their own. Watch this video on how our experts rescued and subsequently released the hatchling turtles into their natural habitat.
A beautiful underwater image of colorful, healthy coral

Cornell researchers have examined changes in reported diseases across marine species at a global scale over a 44-year period. The findings show that long-term changes in ocean health coincide with decades of widespread environmental change.
A small bat shown being gently held in hand

Cornell's wildlife experts weigh-in on the impact of white-nose syndrome, a fungus that has been devastating bat populations across North America, with a mortality rate that can often reach 90 to 100 percent.
CVM student holding a Lemur before releasing back into the wild


Cornell veterinary student Bekah Weatherington ’21 reports about her experience in Madagascar working to conserve critically endangered lemurs.
A Reticulated Python shown on the operating table at Cornell

A scan performed at Cornell University Hospital for Animals aided veterinarians in their treatment of a python from Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York.
Two Gray geese in flight over water

The Cornell Wildlife Health Lab has created StaPOPd, an interactive online tool that helps calculate how many plants or animals need to be introduced into a habitat in order to establish a stable population - a critical piece of information for conservation projects.